Catalyzing Financial Inclusion: Gender-Inclusive Fintech Solutions for Migrants

November 2022

Catalyzing Financial Inclusion: Gender-Inclusive Fintech Solutions for Migrants

In the report, we highlight our road to 100 startups; discussing the intersection of data ownership and impact, how diverse founders help build inclusive solutions, data security and protection, data tech for good trends, and our work with the 100 companies.

Globally, there are an estimated 281 million international migrants and over 55 million internally displaced persons.

Among many challenges, migrants face a significant obstacle: current financial services in many countries do not meet their needs. Large swaths of migrants are still unbanked, remittance fees remain high, and poor legislation leaves millions of migrants without solutions to their financial needs. 

With support from the Impact-Linked Finance Fund, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and the Austrian Development Agency, Village Capital is excited to launch the Catalyzing Financial Inclusion: Gender-Inclusive Fintech Solutions for Migrants report.

Learn more by downloading the report.