Off the Sidelines Podcast: featuring Victoria Fram

Written by Ben Wrobel | Dec 5, 2019 3:23:25 PM

β€œOff the Sidelines” is a new podcast series about startup investing, produced by and Project Entrepreneur, a program by UBS focused on lifting up female entrepreneurs.

The first guest of the series was Victoria Fram, Managing Director of VilCap Investments and co-founder of Village Capital. Listen to the podcast below:

The goal of Project Entrepreneur, and by extension this podcast, is to break down barriers for female founders and advance inclusive capital, so it makes sense to start our series with an investor similarly focused on changing the status quo.

Since 2012, Victoria Fram has been a cofounder at Village Capital and is managing director of VilCap Investments, a seed-stage investment fund. Throughout her years of experience, she and VilCap have countered mainstream trends, pushing for a more equitable distribution of capital across geography, gender and ethnicity.

For anyone interested in becoming involved in investing, it’s important to understand the shape of the current landscape β€” and how one might attempt to uniquely navigate that landscape. Victoria provided a ton of great insight and advice, so check out our conversation to hear for yourself.